April 12, 2024 - Search Committee and Staffing Updates

The search committee has been diligently meeting nearly monthly since last May, collaborating with both the elders and the district superintendent to find the right candidate for KAC. We continue to work together to vet and discuss the candidates that have been provided thus far. We remain confident in God's faithfulness, assured that His timing is perfect in guiding this process. Should you have any thoughts or suggestions, we encourage you to connect with a member of the search committee or send an email to search@kenmorealliance.com. Thank you!

Staffing updates:
As we adjust to our new season of ministry at Kenmore Alliance, some job duties have shifted and we want to bring attention to some of those.
- Ryan Garey is taking on roles with IT and updating our WIFI systems.
- Victoria Spencer is managing graphics and announcements.
- Susanna Toledo will be moving out of Kid’s Ministry and will be focusing her efforts on Clothe Me Co-op. We want to thank her for these last couple years she spent with our kid's ministry and look forward to seeing her gifts continue to be utilized with Clothe Me Co-op.

If you have any questions about these changes, feel free to speak to Adam Williams, Interim Lead Pastor.

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