Adult Ministry

adult ministry



Women's Small Groups
Bible study sessions are available here at the church. Typically we offer morning and evening sessions. The topics rotate about every 6-10 weeks. You can join individually or just choose the ones that fit your schedule.

The morning session runs from 9:30am-11:30am on Tuesdays with childcare. The evening session runs from 6:30pm-8:30pm Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Check out ChurchCenter to register or contact Laura Zach.
Prayer Group
Wednesday Mornings! Start your day with the encouragement of praying with others. This group meets weekly at 8:30am on Zoom. Contact Sandy Gianni for more info.
MoM's Group
Sharing Moment's of Motherhood together!
We believe in the importance of community. When we gather together as moms, we gain encouragement from each other, we learn and grow as individuals, and we are reminded that we aren't alone in this mothering journey!

Morning Sessions
Meets on campus the 2nd Wednesday of the month (Sept-May)
These meetings include breakfast, speakers on a relevant mom topic, and small group time. Annual dues are $35.
Childcare available, ages 0-5
Informal, off-campus meet-ups planned for the other weeks.

Evening Sessions
2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month (Oct-May)
These meetings include appetizers, speakers on a relevant mom topic, and small group time. Annual dues are $35.
This runs during CrossTraining, a program for kids ages 3yrs-5th grade. If you plan on having children attending this fun program, please sign them up on our Event Page. No childcare is offered for kids under 3 at this time.
For mothers of infants-school age kids.  

Register here.
Spring Retreat
Every Spring our Women's Ministry gets away for a couple days for our annual retreat. This is a great time of fun and fellowship to get to know other ladies here at the church, or ladies that have been invited by others. There is time for discussion, rest, play, and special gathering times for worship and a message from the guest speaker. We would love for you to join us! Ages 16+
Christmas Event
Each December we host a relaxing evening to be with friends, enjoy some treats and hear from a special speaker. We welcome church attenders and their guests as we are sure to share the true reason to celebrate this season. Look for more info on our event calendar.
Other Events
Other activities include craft nights, potluck dinners, movie and game nights. Find these and more opportunities on our events sign up page.

Other Questions? Please Contact Laura Zach or 716.876.5570


Small Groups
We have guys groups available almost every day of the week, any time of day: morning, noon and night. Find one that fits your schedule and show up! Just guys getting together with a Bible, teaching and growing together, and praying for one another.

Join a Small Group
Recovery & Mentoring
Monday nights at 7:00pm at Kenmore Alliance Church. Gather with other men from the church for a time of fellowship, prayer, and sharing! Tackle strongholds in your life with scripture and support from others going through similar times. For more information: Contact Paul Stark at #716.731.4322 or Brian Snider at #716.694.0313

Jesus, during His own ministry, surrounded himself with other guys to pray with and to encourage. In your walk, do you have someone you can go to? Do you have someone who you can share with for prayer? Do you have someone who can tell you if you're on the right path? Contact Pastor Joe Zach.
Monthly Meals
Gather with other guys that are faithfully involved with the church over a home cooked breakfast, or hearty dinner! These Friday Nights and Saturday mornings provide a great chance to get connected with other guys here at KAC.
Men's Retreat
Fathers Day weekend get away! Not just for rest, relaxation, and fishing!! But for encouragement and growth in your walk with Jesus Christ! This KAC tradition invites men to come out from Thursday to Saturday of Father's Day weekend to enjoy campfire, golf, fishing, but most of all, fellowship!
Winter Retreat
Annual Event to help break up the lull of the dreary Winters here in Buffalo Our guys get away for a short time to recharge! This is a great time away just for a day and a night to a local hotel for some good food and fellowship and Bible study.


KAC Campout
KAC Camping is a time for fun and fellowship while enjoying God's creation.

The ministry started in 2011 when a few families from KAC decided to go camping together and has grown ever since. In August of 2023, nearly 200 people gathered at Sampson State Park for 5 days and 4 nights of life on life.
We start the week with a hot dog dinner on Wednesday night. You can participate in any of the many organized activities that include: softball, rock painting, devotionals, kickball, 4-square, treasure hunt, bike decorating and parade, campfires, youth outings, talent showcase and outdoor worship service. You could even take a bike ride around the abandoned roads of Sampson State park or cool off at the beach on Seneca Lake. There is something for everyone!
Bring a tent or camper or book a cabin. You don't have to be fancy or have experience to join the camping trip, just join!

Look for details for 2025 soon.
If you want to arrive before the official campout starts, you can pre-reserve a site on Reserve America starting 9 months before you plan to arrive.

If you have any questions about the KAC camping trip, please contact Pastor Joe Zach or register on our events page.
Meals Ministry
Do you like to cook? Are you willing to provide a gift card or a takeout meal for new parents?

Our church family welcomes new babies often and having some dinners taken care of while mom, dad and siblings adjust can be such a blessing.  If you’re willing to provide a meal, check out our Meals Ministry Group.
Small Groups
There are a variety of ways you can get involved in a small group, a place where we believe discipleship happens best. You will have space to connect with people, grow in your own faith through prayer and Bible study, and serve the community together with service projects.

Pastor Joe can help you get connected or learn how you can lead a small group.

Find out more here.
Membership Class
Come learn about the mission, vision and values of Kenmore Alliance Church.

This class is open to anyone. You do not have to become a member after taking this class, however, this class is required for those pursuing membership.

We encourage membership to anyone who calls KAC their home church and wants a voice in the decisions and direction of the church.

We generally offer this class quarterly.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.