Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
"Helping Kids and Families love Jesus their whole life."
We would love to have your child join us for KidzChurch or CrossTraining (small groups for kids) but we also know that this is a tidbit of your week. We want to partner with your family because you have the most influence,
even if your kid is starting to make you think you don't!
Each phase...babies, toddlers, preschool, elementary and just that, a phase. Don't miss it! Because when you see the time you have, you make the time count. You're going to be sitting at the dinner table, driving in the car, playing at the park, tucking into bed. Take advantage of these everyday moments to share your love of Jesus with your kids. And bring them to church! Because kids that have authentic relationships with adults in the church will see that its not just something we do at home. It's a part of my life.
By the time our kids leave 5th grade, we want them to know that:
My faith grows when I spend time with God.
People help my faith grow.
My faith grows when I use my gifts.
My faith grows when I share my story.
We would love to have your child join us for KidzChurch or CrossTraining (small groups for kids) but we also know that this is a tidbit of your week. We want to partner with your family because you have the most influence,
even if your kid is starting to make you think you don't!
Each phase...babies, toddlers, preschool, elementary and just that, a phase. Don't miss it! Because when you see the time you have, you make the time count. You're going to be sitting at the dinner table, driving in the car, playing at the park, tucking into bed. Take advantage of these everyday moments to share your love of Jesus with your kids. And bring them to church! Because kids that have authentic relationships with adults in the church will see that its not just something we do at home. It's a part of my life.
By the time our kids leave 5th grade, we want them to know that:
My faith grows when I spend time with God.
People help my faith grow.
My faith grows when I use my gifts.
My faith grows when I share my story.

KACKidz Information

Sunday Mornings
KidzChurch @ 10am
All kids age newborn to 5th grade have a space here! Our rooms are all equipped with background checked workers, age appropriate lessons and plenty of fun. Kids preK and higher will worship with the family then meet for their lesson. All kids will check in to receive a name tag to help us keep our spaces safe.

Thursdays 6:15-7:45
Small Groups for kids age 3yrs-5th grade.
We meet during the school year to help kids get to know Jesus in personal ways, dig into the Bible and make friends at church. Sign up here!
We meet during the school year to help kids get to know Jesus in personal ways, dig into the Bible and make friends at church. Sign up here!

Get Involved
It takes a village!
We love having anyone middle school to grandparent age on our team. We have jobs that need prep and some that let you just show up. If you have at least 1 hour a month and would love to invest in the future generation, apply now!

The critical link
We love to support the family also! Parents have far more time with their kid so we provide resources, take home devotionals, events and classes to help your time at home be valuable.
More Information
Sunday Morning
We have identical offerings at each Sunday service.
- Babies and Toddler rooms are open for the full service.
- Prek-3rd grade: kids should check in before service, attend the beginning worship set with the family, then dismiss to the gym to meet their small group. They will have their lesson together as a big group then split for smaller conversations.
- 4th-5th grade: After worship our preteens can head straight up to their small group in the Purple Frogs room.
- Parents should pick up all children in their small group room.
All workers are pre-screened with a background check and follow "Safe-Place" guidelines (We are members of Plan to Protect)
Security measures are in place in all our classrooms and all kids are checked in before entering a room
Children are only dismissed to the adult with the matching ID tag
Security measures are in place in all our classrooms and all kids are checked in before entering a room
Children are only dismissed to the adult with the matching ID tag
Parent Rooms
In the back of our Worship Center you'll find the Quiet Corner. This sound proof room lets you engage in the service, even with a chatty little one! Private nursing rooms are also here with video feed of the service, a changing table, and just quiet!
Well Child Policy
We want to do our best to create a healthy environment for our kids and the workers. With that in mind, please note our Well-Child policy:
Kids will not be allowed to enter the children's ministry if they have any of the following:
fever of 100°or greater (must be fever-free without the use of medications for 24 hours prior to returning to a classroom)
vomiting, diarrhea, chills, sore throat, excessive runny nose, bad cough, rash, pink eye, or lice
Of course we know some kids have allergies or have been cleared by a doctor due to a non-contagious symptom. If you are in this circumstance, please advise the Children's Ministry Director or the Small Group Leader of the clearance.
Kids will not be allowed to enter the children's ministry if they have any of the following:
fever of 100°or greater (must be fever-free without the use of medications for 24 hours prior to returning to a classroom)
vomiting, diarrhea, chills, sore throat, excessive runny nose, bad cough, rash, pink eye, or lice
Of course we know some kids have allergies or have been cleared by a doctor due to a non-contagious symptom. If you are in this circumstance, please advise the Children's Ministry Director or the Small Group Leader of the clearance.
Special Needs
If your child has special needs and would like to participate in our Sunday Ministry, please contact Carolyn Kiddy to discuss needs and options. We have an inclusive ministry and will do our best to work with you and your child.
Kid's and Family Events
Each year we have a rhythm of ways we partner with you. Some are just for kids, others invite you to join us. Registration will always be on our EVENTS page.
- Kid's Choir and Praise Team: about 4 times a year. This gives our kids space to use their gifts in our main worship service.
- Daddy Daughter Date: in February we invite dads and granddads to bring their girls on a "date", showing them their value in Christ.
- VBS: 1 week of each summer the entire church rallys around our kids and invites kids from everywhere to sing, play and learn about God in creative ways.
- Fall Fest: The last Friday of October is a family night full of games, candy and people! This is a great chance to introduce the community far and wide to our building and our people.
- Christmas and Easter: we have family experiences for these important holidays. There are different themes and activities but the main goal is to meet Jesus and see how He changes lives...including yours!

Carolyn Kiddy
Ministry Director, Kid's Ministry
Carolyn began serving with kids in high school and joined our staff about 12 years ago. She and her husband Jon have been married over 20 years and are enjoying raising their 3 teen/young adult kids. If she isn't at KAC, you'll likely find her out for a run or in her garden.